Sunday 25 October 2020

Export archive error for Xcode project containing app clip

We are using Jenkins to automate building of our iOS project. Everything was working just fine out of the box until we integrated App Clip into the Xcode project. The error says (I changed real bundle id):

error: exportArchive: Provide a bundle identifier to select from
available reformatters: com.example.myapp and com.example.myapp.Clip

Error Domain=IDEDistributionReformatterSelectionStepErrorDomain
Code=0 "Provide a bundle identifier to select from available reformatters:
com.example.myapp and com.example.myapp.Clip"

I created ExportOptions.plist and set distributionBundleIdentifier equal to com.example.myapp inside it. Then in Jenkins Advanced Xcode build options -> Custom xcodebuild arguments I added -exportOptionsPlist ExportOptions.plist.

Jenkins asked me to provide -exportArchive additional key. After I did it, Jenkins told that it's illegal to have scheme and exportArchive together in command line.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix it? Thanks.

from Export archive error for Xcode project containing app clip

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