Sunday, 19 November 2023

What exactly PyCharm Django Test run configuration do

I have a custom test command in my Django project:

class Command(test.Command):
    def add_arguments(self, parser):
        super(Command, self).add_arguments(parser)
            help="Fit persistent tests instead of checking them.",

    def handle(self, *test_labels, **options):
        if options["fit"]:
        super(Command, self).handle(*test_labels, **options)

It works when running from the console, e.g. python test --fit.

However, when I'm using a PyCharm Django Tests configuration, it does not execute the handle(...) method. I can add --fit flag as an option and I can't add some random --qwerty flag. So, it means that the command is registered. While running in debug mode, I could reach the point in the add_arguments(...), but not in the handle(...) (as well as not in the, by the way).

The only problem is that PyCharm executes this command some other way, without calling handle(...) method. So the question is - maybe someone know, what PyCharm is actually calling?

from What exactly PyCharm Django Test run configuration do

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