Really not sure how to fix this so any help much appreciated.
In developer tools for Chrome the legend displays perfectly on top of a mapbox map for desktop, tablet and mobile. Here is what is looks like. It displays a semitransparent horizontal legend.
If I actually use my iphone though, the legends displays incorrectly. It becomes vertical and all formatting appears lost.
Here is my mapbox control:
// Control implemented as ES6 class
class fs_legend_control {
onAdd(map) {
var fs_legend_control_html = ' \
<div class="my-legend"> \
<div class="legend-title">Piste Difficulty Legend</div> \
<div class="legend-scale"> \
<ul class="legend-labels"> \
<li><span style="background:#339933;"></span>Novice</li> \
<li><span style="background:#097CCB;"></span>Easy</li> \
<li><span style="background:#ED151F;"></span>Intermed\'</li> \
<li><span style="background:#000000;"></span>Advanced</li> \
<li><span style="background:#ffa502;"></span>Expert</li> \
<li><span style="background:#ffff01;"></span>Freeride</li> \
<li><span style="background:#ffc0cb;"></span>Unrated</li> \
</ul> \
</div> \
<div class="legend-source"> <a href="">About Piste Difficulty</a></div> \
</div> \
this._map = map;
this._container = document.createElement('div');
this._container.className = 'fs-legend-control';
this._container.innerHTML = fs_legend_control_html;
return this._container;
onRemove() {
this._map = undefined;
map.addControl(new fs_legend_control(), "top-left");
Any reason why this doesn't work? Thank you.
from Mapbox legend works on desktop, tablet but not on mobile. How do I fix it to display correctly on a mobile device?
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