Tuesday 8 August 2023

How to unit test updating meta content in Vue Quasar Meta component with Jest

I am trying to unit test updating the meta content of a Vue & Quasar page using the useMeta component supplied by Quasar

My test is as follows, I have a UseMetaComponent mock vue component, that gets created within a mock App component. The UseMetaComponent does load, as 'Component Added' is output by the wrapper.html() console log.

However, the meta tags are not updated. I have confirmed that this code does function properly in a browser.


const UseMetaComponent = {
  name: 'UseMetaComponent',
  template: `
    <div>Component Added</div>
  setup() {
      title: 'New Title',
      meta: {
        description: {
          name: 'description',
          content: 'test',

const App = {
  components: {
  template: `
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Initial Title</title>
    <div id="q-app">
      <use-meta-component />

describe('QuasarMetaHandler', (): void => {
  const wrapper = mount(App);


  it('defaults title Site Name', (): void => {
    const title = document.getElementsByTagName('title');

Is there a way to test updating the meta components?

from How to unit test updating meta content in Vue Quasar Meta component with Jest

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