Tuesday, 26 July 2022

react component displaying in first render but not in the following re-render

I have a react component that consists in an alert to which I am passing 2 props, (however these 2 props rarely change within this component)

const AlertPopUp = ({ severity, errors }) => {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(true)
  console.log('show value of show state: ', show)

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('gets here')
    const timeId = setTimeout(() => {
      // After 5 seconds set the show value to false
    }, 5000)

    return () => {

  console.log('errors ', errors)

  if (!errors)  return null
  if (show) 
    return (
        <Alert severity={severity}>

In the first render, the Alert shows up and after the expected 5 seconds the component disappears.

In the re-render, the Alert does not show up anymore, and from my debugging I assume it has to do to with the line console.log('show value of show state: ', show) which displays false in the re-render.

If I do a setShow(true) I run into an infinite loop of re-renders.

If I use a useRef to avoid the useState infinite loop the component doesn't re-render and therefore the Alert never displays.

If I try to set a key to the component key=useId()/ pass a counter , the state is still set to false whenever the parent component rerenders, looking like the component doesn't destroy and create again.

Please forgive me if I made any of my assumptions wrongly as I am far from being a react expert.

Could please anyone help me find a solution so that the Alert displays in every render of the alert component and disappears after the 5 seconds?

from react component displaying in first render but not in the following re-render

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