I'm currently developing a task for image classification. The images are hand drawn, in black and white, and relative simple shapes (a house, circle, etc.)
For that, I'm using a SIFT approach:
def getData(folder, min_num_descr = 20):
lista_imagenes = []
for x in os.listdir(folder):
path_local = folder + "/" + x
for j in os.listdir(path_local):
imagen = cv2.imread(path_local + "/" + j)
lista_total_kp = []
lista_total_desc = []
lista_total_imagen = []
for i in range(len(lista_imagenes)):
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
kp_1 = sift.detect(lista_imagenes[i], None)
kp_1, dec_1 = sift.compute(lista_imagenes[i],kp_1)
lista_desc_numpy = np.array(lista_total_desc)
lista_desc_real = []
for i in range(0,len(lista_total_desc)):
if lista_total_desc[i].shape[0] >= min_num_descr:
return np.array(lista_desc_real)
This is giving me a dataset (I added the targets in the last column)
df_splitted = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/norhther/datasets/main/drawn_images.csv").iloc[:,1:]
The problem is that after a StandardScaler
and several models with fine tunning (SVM, AdaBoost, RF...) I'm having some bad scores. I also added class weight to estables
and evolutivos
because the dataset is imbalanced, and also those classes are most important.
My question is how to improve the image preprocessing, maybe using another technique and not the points of interest with SIFT.
from Improving extraction of points of interest for image preprocessing
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