Thursday 24 February 2022

Getting permutation index and permutation at index faster than the provided solution

Thanks to this answer, here is how I'm getting permutation index and permutation at an index:

def get_Cl(distinct):
Cl = []
for i in range(1, distinct+1):  # i is distincct
    c = [0] * i + [1, 0]
    C = [c]
    for l in range(2, distinct+1):
        c = [
                c[d] * d + c[d + 1] * (distinct - d)
                for d in range(i + 1)
            ] + [0]
return Cl

def item_index(item, distinct, n_symbols, Cl):
    length = len(item)
    offset = 0
    seen = set()
    for i, di in enumerate(item):
        for d in range(n_symbols):
            if d == di:
            if d in seen:
                # test = Cl[distinct][length - 1 - i][len(seen)]
                offset += Cl[distinct][length - 1 - i][len(seen)]
                offset += Cl[distinct][length - 1 - i][len(seen) + 1]
    return offset

def item_at(idx, length, distinct, n_symbols, Cl):
    seen = [0] * n_symbols
    prefix = [0] * length
    used = 0
    for i in range(length):
        for d in range(n_symbols):
            if seen[d] != 0:
                branch_count = Cl[distinct][length - 1 - i][used]
                branch_count = Cl[distinct][length - 1 - i][used + 1]
            if branch_count <= idx:
                idx -= branch_count
                prefix[i] = d
                if seen[d] == 0:
                    used += 1
                seen[d] = 1
    return prefix

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Cl = get_Cl(300)
    item = item_at(idx=432,length=300,distinct=200, n_symbols=300, Cl=Cl)
    print(item_index(item=item, distinct=200, n_symbols=300, Cl=Cl))

It works fine unless numbers get bigger then it gets very slow. Wondered if it is possible to improve this code like this answer?

The reason I get Cl in a separate line is that for a fixed distinct there will be thousands of calls on item_at and item_index, so the Cl is the same if distinct is the same thus no need for call it for each item_at or item_index.

from Getting permutation index and permutation at index faster than the provided solution

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