Sunday, 3 October 2021

How to debug a JupyterDash app using VSCode?

This is going to be a self-answered post, but that only means that I've got an idea of a solution, and that I'm very eager to hear about more efficient and stable approaches to the challenge in question.

I would like to know how you can combine the powers of JupyterDash and VSCode in order to run a debugging process for an .ipynb file that involves all of the following steps:

  1. stepping into code,

  2. running code line by line,

  3. inspecting variables,

  4. setting breakpoints,

  5. inspecting callbacks, and

  6. interactively editing variables.

I believe I've tried every imaginable combination of:

  • Step into code with F10
  • Run > Start Debugging (F5) from the VSCode menu
  • Run and Debug (ctrl+Shift+D) from the Jupyter Notebook menu
  • Inspecting variables through JUPYTER:VARIABLES in the VSCode Debug Console

Still I don't feel I've found a work-flow that is 100% satisfactory when it comes to interactivity and stability.

System info:

Python 3.9.6
VScode 1.60.2
Plotly 5.1.0
JupyterDash 0.4.0

from How to debug a JupyterDash app using VSCode?

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