Friday 20 August 2021

Plotly - Adding Scatter Geo points and traces on top of Density Mapbox

I am trying to add a Scattergeo trace or overlay on top of a white-bg density mapbox to get a heat map over a generic USA states outline.

The reason for my use of scattergeo is I'd like to plot a star symbol on top of the density mapbox, and the only symbol accepted via add_scattermapbox is a dot. If you choose the star symbol, there is no symbol added.

I'm also aware that star symbols are acceptable for the p mapbox_styles of add_scattermapbox or density_scattermapbox but at the present time I am not in the position to pay per web load after the trial amount runs out.

Is there a clever way to add a star symbol on top of a density_mapbox plot?

Working ScatterGeo

fig = go.Figure(go.Scattergeo())

fig.add_scattergeo(lat = [30, 40]
                      ,lon = [-90, -80]
                      ,hoverinfo = 'none'
                      ,marker_size = 10
                      ,marker_color = 'rgb(65, 105, 225)' # blue
                      ,marker_symbol = 'star'
                      ,showlegend = False

    visible=False, resolution=110, scope="usa",
    showcountries=True, countrycolor="Black",
    showsubunits=True, subunitcolor="Black"

add picture here

Working Density Mapbox

d = {'Location': ['Point A', 'Point B'], 'lat': [30, 40], 'long': [-90, -80], 'z': [100,200]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

fig = px.density_mapbox(df
                        ,center=dict(lat=38.5, lon=-96)
                        ,range_color = [0, 200]

fig.add_scattermapbox(lat = [30, 40]
                      ,lon = [-90, -80]
                      ,hoverinfo = 'none'
                      ,marker_size = 6
                      ,marker_color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
#                       ,marker_symbol = 'star'
                      ,showlegend = False

insert 2nd picture here

Attempt #1 - Just set marker_symbol = 'star'

Un-commenting the marker_symbol = 'star', which would work for the premium styles of mapbox, completely removes the scatter point.

d = {'Location': ['Point A', 'Point B'], 'lat': [30, 40], 'long': [-90, -80], 'z': [100,200]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

fig = px.density_mapbox(df
                        ,center=dict(lat=38.5, lon=-96)
                        ,range_color = [0, 200]

fig.add_scattermapbox(lat = [30, 40]
                      ,lon = [-90, -80]
                      ,hoverinfo = 'none'
                      ,marker_size = 6
                      ,marker_color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
                      ,marker_symbol = 'star'
                      ,showlegend = False

insert 3rd picture here

Attempt #2 - Adding a density mapbox on top of the scatter geo

Adding a density_mapbox on top of the scattergeo produces the same geo plot, but nothing more. The density mapbox legend is there, but no heat map.

d = {'Location': ['Point A', 'Point B'], 'lat': [30, 40], 'long': [-90, -80], 'z': [100,200]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)

fig = go.Figure(go.Scattergeo())

fig.add_scattergeo(lat = [30, 40]
                      ,lon = [-90, -80]
                      ,hoverinfo = 'none'
                      ,marker_size = 10
                      ,marker_color = 'rgb(65, 105, 225)' # blue
                      ,marker_symbol = 'star'
                      ,showlegend = False


    visible=False, resolution=110, scope="usa",
    showcountries=True, countrycolor="Black",
    showsubunits=True, subunitcolor="Black"

insert 4th picture here

from Plotly - Adding Scatter Geo points and traces on top of Density Mapbox

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