Wednesday 14 July 2021

Why google play billing subscription instantly gets canceled?

I have integrated the google play billing library inside my application to make a subscription purchase. It works well. The user receives purchase confirmation mail from google. confirmation mail from google

The active subscription is also visible in the play store subscriptions screen. Active subscription showing in play store

In the play console, the order detail said the user was successfully charged for a subscription. However, It gets canceled instantly. play console order history

I also check purchase acknowledgment, it returns true on every purchase. Initially, I thought there would be a mistake in my code. So, I tried various billing libraries from Github. The problem persists. In the end, I replaced the entire google billing library with Revenue cat. Followed every step described on Revenue cat documents. Still, getting the same issue.

Is there anything that I am missing to implement or done incorrectly? please help me out. Thank you

from Why google play billing subscription instantly gets canceled?

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