have Anaconda installed on a win-10 box and I am using Spyder 4.1.5
to sume up: need to get more insights on how to keep VSCode and Spyder updated .. Can i do that via Conda!? Look forward to hear from you.
well i Would like to update Spyder to the latest version, so I went through the commands:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda
conda update spyder
They all ran without errors, but the spyder version didn't change - this is command I'm using to launch:
Well - i allways thougth that if we want to update Spyder in the root environment, then the following command conda update spyder works
If we want to update Spyder for a virtual environment we have created (e.g., for a different version of Python), then conda update -n $ENV_NAME spyder where $ENV_NAME is our environment name.
how to indicate what is going on here?
should i run conda update anaconda before updating spyder.
well - i thought that i have to make sure i am in the base directory.
here conda install spyder should work.
I have tried also this: conda install spyder=new_version_number. new_version_number should be in digits.
btw: i had a view on the official docs here: code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/debugging. In brief, i tried the 'Add Configuration' Button. But i guess i have a screwd up installation &/ configuration.
do i need these steps too!?
How to activate conda environment in VS code https://medium.com/@udiyosovzon/how-to-activate-conda-environment-in-vs-code-ce599497f20d
Efficient Way to Activate Conda in VSCode https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/efficient-way-to-activate-conda-in-vscode-ef21c4c231f2
update: its obviousliy the Anaconda-channeling-thing that stands sometimes in the way. - at least in regard of spyder-updates
cf. Why is Conda not installing/updating the latest version of Spyder? Why is Conda not installing/updating the latest version of Spyder?
But those bug reports and "solutions" were made one year ago. Spyder is on later versions now. Why is conda still installing Spyder version 4.0.1, with all the issues, one year after 4.0.1 is known to be problematic? Why does it not update correctly to any later version? The latest version is supposed to be 5.0.0, with even 4.2.* rolled out before that.
The problem is with the Anaconda channel.
I uninstalled Spyder and then install with the line:
conda install spyder and Spyder 5.0.0 was successfully installed.
Anaconda's Spyder page (https://anaconda.org/anaconda/spyder) gave the command as:
conda install -c anaconda spyder which led to the installation of Spyder 4.0.1, instead of 5.0.0 which was what it was supposed to install as documented on the page itself.
note: i will have a closer look if this behavior is the same - in regard of updating the VSCode!?
i guess that i have to take care for the following steps
• Check and test conda is installed and available
• see if i need an Update conda if necessary
• Create the great virtual environment
• Activate a virtual environment - with all the tests that we can apply now
to sume up: need to get more insights on how to keep VSCode and Spyder updated .. Can i do that via Conda!? Look forward to hear from you.
from keeping Spyder updated in Anaconda
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