Thursday 15 July 2021

How to make my site compatible with the upcoming Cross-Origin-Isolation changes for SharedArrayBuffer

So I read that there are upcoming changes in Chrome to enable the usage of SharedArrayBuffer specifically "Making your website "cross-origin isolated"". My site makes use of external APIs that don't meet the requirements for this. So what I did was, offloaded the code that uses SharedArrayBuffer into an iframe using a subdomain and added the required headers to that page. Reading a bit more into it now, it seems that I still need to have the top level document served with the required headers otherwise I still get the warning in the console.

Just to clarify, my site now is using the following structure:

  • -> contains the complete application functionality
  • -> contains the functionality that makes use of SharedArrayBuffer

I thought that I would be able to simply add the required headers to and everything would work properly, but I'm still getting the cross origin warning. Any ideas?

from How to make my site compatible with the upcoming Cross-Origin-Isolation changes for SharedArrayBuffer

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