Monday, 5 July 2021

Accessing AWS ElastiCache (Redis CLUSTER mode) from different AWS accounts via AWS PrivateLink

I have a business case where I want to access a clustered Redis cache from one account (let's say account A) to an account B.

I have used the solution mentioned in the below link and for the most part, it works Base Solution

The base solution works fine if I am trying to access the clustered Redis via redis-py however if I try to use it with redis-py-cluster it fails.

I am testing all this in a staging environment where the Redis cluster has only one node but in the production environment, it has two nodes, so the redis-py approach will not work for me.

Below is my sample code

redis = "3.5.3"
redis-py-cluster = "2.1.3"

from redis import Redis
from rediscluster import RedisCluster

respCluster = 'error'
respRegular = 'error'

host = ""
port = "6379"

    ru = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{"host": host, "port": port}], decode_responses=True, skip_full_coverage_check=True)
    respCluster = ru.get('ABC')
except Exception as e:

    ru = Redis(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True)
    respRegular = ru.get('ABC')
except Exception as e:

return {"respCluster": respCluster, "respRegular": respRegular}

The above code works perfectly in account A but in account B the output that I got was

{'respCluster': 'error', 'respRegular': '123456789'}

And the error that I am getting is

rediscluster.exceptions.ClusterError: TTL exhausted

In account A we are using AWS ECS + EC2 + docker to run this and

In account B we are running the code in an AWS EKS Kubernetes pod.

What should I do to make the redis-py-cluster work in this case? or is there an alternative to redis-py-cluster in python to access a multinode Redis cluster?

I know this is a highly specific case, any help is appreciated.

from Accessing AWS ElastiCache (Redis CLUSTER mode) from different AWS accounts via AWS PrivateLink

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