I am wondering if, using C (or C++ or Rust) and javascript, I am able to do CRUD operations to a shared data object. Using the most basic example, here would be an example or each of the operations:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct Person {
int age;
char* name;
} Person;
int main(void) {
// init
Person* sharedPersons[100];
int idx=0;
// create
sharedPersons[idx] = (Person*) {12, "Tom"};
// read
printf("{name: %s, age: %d}", sharedPersons[idx]->name, sharedPersons[idx]->age);
// update
sharedPersons[idx]->age = 11;
// delete
sharedPersons[idx] = NULL;
Then, I would like to be able to do the exact same thing in Javascript, and both be able to write to the same shared sharedPersons
object. How could this be done? Or does the setup need to be something like a 'master-slave' where one just needs to pass back information to the other and the master does all the relevant actions? I'm hoping that there's a way do CRUD on a shared data object in webassembly, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
As a reference: https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/contributing/design/js-objects-in-rust.html
from Webassembly: possible to have shared objects?
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