I am building a web app using NuxtJs and I am using nuxtjs/auth-next for OAuth authorization with Google and Facebook auth providers. I have configured post authorization endpoints to fetch token from backend, while it works when I just have one Strategy in nuxt config (either google or facebook), but when I have both then both logins are using the first strategy's endpoint. I have spent a lot of time on this, please share if you have any thoughts on how to resolve this. Thanks!
Edit: This works fine on localhost, I don't see endpoints getting overwritten, but when deployed the first strategy's token endpoint gets applied to the second one as well
Here is my auth config in nuxt.config.js
auth: {
strategies: {
facebook: {
responseType: "code",
endpoints: {
token: Config.HOST + "/api/social-login/facebook/",
userInfo: Config.HOST + "/api/auth/user/"
clientId: Config.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID,
scope: ["public_profile", "email"],
refreshToken: {
property: "refresh_token",
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
google: {
clientId: Config.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
responseType: "code",
endpoints: {
token: Config.HOST + "/api/social-login/google/",
userInfo: Config.HOST + "/api/auth/user/"
codeChallengeMethod: "",
refreshToken: {
property: "refresh_token",
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
from NuxtJs Auth with multiple strategies, endpoints getting overwritten
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