Monday, 1 February 2021

Numpy Where Multiple Conditions , cannot compare a dtyped [object] array with a scalar of type [bool]

I am trying to do multiple conditions in a numpy where but getting the error: cannot compare a dtyped [object] array with a scalar of type [bool]

Here is the line:

d7['CAD'] = np.where(d7['Category'] == 'Stack' & d7['Currency'] == fxratetable['from_currency'],d7['CAD'] * fxratetable['fx_rate'], d7['CAD'])

All dtypes are object except for fx_rate which is float64.

Also another thought is that I am looking for one value with Category = Stack but looking for multiple values with my Currency = from_currency.

Can anyone help with this?


new error

ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects now. 

This is my new statement

d7['CAD'] = np.where((d7['Category'] == 'Stack') & 
                     (d7['Currency'] == fxratetable['from_currency']),
                     d7['CAD'] * fxratetable['fx_rate'], 


| CAD          | Currency | Category |
| -4350242.355 | GBP      | Stack    |
| 424223.7584  | AUD      | Stack    |


| from_currency | fx_rate |
| GBP           | 1.367   |
| AUD           | 0.7706  |

Expected new CAD column.

| CAD (expected) |
| -5948957.275   |
| 326991.5663    |

from Numpy Where Multiple Conditions , cannot compare a dtyped [object] array with a scalar of type [bool]

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