Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Next.JS Static site generation and client-side Apollo fetching

I'm taking advantage of Next.JS SSG to improve the loading speed of my website. The point is I need some data to be fetched client-side, as it belongs to the user logged-in.

Let's say we have a YouTube-like website, so we would have the Video page and a sidebar component, which would be the VideoRelated:

I'd generate the Video page static, by using the VideoQuery at getStaticProps. It would also fetch (client-side) the completion status of those for the user logged-in, so it would be something like:

export const VideoRelatedList = ({ videoId, relatedVideos }) => {
  const { data } = useViewerVideoStatusQuery({ variables: { videoId } });
  const relatedVideosViewerStatus = data?.videos;

  const videos = React.useMemo(() => {
    if (!relatedVideosViewerStatus) return relatedVideos;

    return relatedVideos.map((relatedVideo, index) => {
      const viewerHasCompleted = relatedVideosViewerStatus[index]?.id === relatedVideo.id && relatedVideosViewerStatus[index]?.viewerHasCompleted;
      return { ...relatedVideo, viewerHasCompleted };
  }, [relatedVideosViewerStatus, relatedVideos]);

  return (
      {videos.map(({ id, name, viewerHasCompleted }, index) => (
        <li key={id}>
          {name} - {viewerHasCompleted && 'COMPLETED!'}

What is the best way to combine both data?

Currently, what I'm doing is combining both by using React.memo but I'm not sure if this is a best practice or if there is a better way of achieving what I want.

from Next.JS Static site generation and client-side Apollo fetching

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