I'm trying to introduce type hints into an existing codebase, but I'm running into an issue when I attempt to type my query.
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
class DbContext:
def __init__(self, db_host, db_port, db_name, db_user, db_password):
engine = create_engine(...)
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
self.Session: Session = session(bind=engine)
def fetch(context: DbContext
sub_query: Query = context.Session.query(...)
Before I added type hints, filtering dynamically was simply a matter of:
if filters.name is not None:
sub_query = sub_query.name(
However, now with hinting I'm getting this error:
Expression of type "None" cannot be assigned to declared type "Query"
Sure enough, filter
appears to return None
(method) filter: (*criterion: Unknown) -> None
I navigated to the source and it appears the method does indeed not return anything.
def filter(self, *criterion):
for criterion in list(criterion):
criterion = expression._expression_literal_as_text(criterion)
criterion = self._adapt_clause(criterion, True, True)
if self._criterion is not None:
self._criterion = self._criterion & criterion
self._criterion = criterion
There's obviously a disconnect somewhere, as assigning None
to sub_query
should result in an error which the hint is warning against, but I need to perform the assignment for the filtering to actually work:
# Does NOT work, filtering is not applied
if filters.name is not None:
# Works but Pylance complains
if filters.name is not None:
sub_query = sub_query.filter(
This is my first foray into Python, would love some guidance as to what is going on here!
from Filter method is behaving unexpectedly
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