Friday 8 January 2021

Define a IPython magic which replaces the content of the next cell

The %load line-magic command loads the content of a given file into the current cell, for instance, executing:

[cell 1]    %load

... transform the cell into:

[cell 1]    # %load
            print("hello, world")

I would like to create a %load_next line-magic command which would instead load this file into the next cell. For example, executing cell 1 in the following notebook:

[cell 1]    %load_next

[cell 2]    print("hello, cruel world")  # original content

... would keep cell 1 unchanged and update cell 2 with the new content:

[cell 1]    %load_next

[cell 2]    print("hello, world")

I have tried this:

from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
from pathlib import Path

class MyMagics(Magics):

    def load_next(self, line):
        new_content = Path(line).read_text(), replace=False)

ip = get_ipython()

But it inserts the content between the current and the next cell:

[cell 1]    %load_next

[cell 2]    print("hello, world")

[cell 3]    print("hello, cruel world")  # original content

Is it possible to make it either replace the next cell, or delete the next cell before inserting it?

from Define a IPython magic which replaces the content of the next cell

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