Sunday, 13 December 2020

How to pair matrices that are approximately the same in another numpy array


I have the following code that works like a charm and is used to make pairs for a Siamese network:

def make_pairs(images, labels):

# initialize two empty lists to hold the (image, image) pairs and
# labels to indicate if a pair is positive or negative
pairImages = []
pairLabels = []

# calculate the total number of classes present in the dataset
# and then build a list of indexes for each class label that
# provides the indexes for all examples with a given label
#np.unique function finds all unique class labels in our labels list. 
#Taking the len of the np.unique output yields the total number of unique class labels in the dataset. 
#In the case of the MNIST dataset, there are 10 unique class labels, corresponding to the digits 0-9.

numClasses = len(np.unique(labels))

#idxs have a list of indexes that belong to each class

idx = [np.where(labels == i)[0] for i in range(0, numClasses)]

#let’s now start generating our positive and negative pairs
for idxA in range(len(images)):
    # grab the current image and label belonging to the current
    # iteration
    currentImage = images[idxA]
    label = labels[idxA]
    # randomly pick an image that belongs to the *same* class
    # label
    idxB = np.random.choice(idx[label])
    posImage = images[idxB]
    # prepare a positive pair and update the images and labels
    # lists, respectively
    pairImages.append([currentImage, posImage])
    #grab the indices for each of the class labels *not* equal to
    #the current label and randomly pick an image corresponding
    #to a label *not* equal to the current label
    negIdx = np.where(labels != label)[0]
    negImage = images[np.random.choice(negIdx)]
    # prepare a negative pair of images and update our lists
    pairImages.append([currentImage, negImage])
#return a 2-tuple of our image pairs and labels
return (np.array(pairImages), np.array(pairLabels))

Ok, this code works by selecting pairs for each image in the MNIST dataset. It builds one pair for that image by randomly selecting another image of the same class (label), and another patch of a different class (label) to make another pair. By running the code, the final shapes of the returned two matrices are:

# load MNIST dataset and scale the pixel values to the range of [0, 1]
print("[INFO] loading MNIST dataset...")
(trainX, trainY), (testX, testY) = mnist.load_data()

# build the positive and negative image pairs
print("[INFO] preparing positive and negative pairs...")
(pairTrain, labelTrain) = make_pairs(trainX, trainY)
(pairTest, labelTest) = make_pairs(testX, testY)

>> print(pairTrain.shape)
(120000, 2, 28, 28)
>> print(labelTrain.shape)
(120000, 1)

My Dataset

I want to do something a little different with another dataset. Suppose that I have another dataset of 5600 RGB images with 28x28x3 dimensions, as can be seen below:

>>> images2.shape
(5600, 28, 28, 3)

I have another array, let's call it labels2, it has 8 labels for all the 5600 images, being 700 images per label as can be seen below:

>>> labels2.shape

>>> len(np.unique(labels2))

>>> (labels2==0).sum()
>>> (labels2==1).sum()
>>> (labels2==2).sum()

What do I want to do

My dataset is not an MNIST dataset, so the images from the same class are not so similar. I would like to build pairs that are approximately the same in the following manner:

  1. For each image in my dataset, I want to do the following:

    1.1. Calculate the similarity through MSE between that image and all the others in the dataset.

    1.2 For the set of MSEs of images with the same label as that image, select the images with the 7 smallest MSEs and build 7 pairs, containing that image plus the 7 closest MSE images. These pairs represent the images from the same class for my Siamese Network.

    1.3 For the set of MSEs of images with different labels from that image select, for each different label, only one image with the smallest MSEs. Therefore, as there are 7 labels different from the label of that image, there are 7 more pairs for that image.

As there are 5600 images 28x28x3 for my dataset and, for each image, I build 14 pairs (7 of the same class and 7 for different classes) I am expecting to have a pairTrain matrix of size (78400, 2, 28, 28, 3)

What did I do

I have the following code that does exactly what I want:

def make_pairs(images, labels):

# initialize two empty lists to hold the (image, image) pairs and
# labels to indicate if a pair is positive or negative
pairImages = []
pairLabels = []

#In my dataset, there are 8 unique class labels, corresponding to the classes 0-7.
numClasses = len(np.unique(labels))

#Initial lists

#let’s now start generating our positive and negative pairs for each image in the dataset
for idxA in range(len(images)):
        print("Image "+str(k)+ " out of " +str(len(images)))

        #For each image, I need to store the MSE between it and all the others

        #Get each image and its label
        currentImage = images[idxA]
        label = labels[idxA]
        #Now we need to iterate through all the other images    
        for idxB in range(len(images)):
            candidateImage = images[idxB]
            #Calculate the mse and store all mses
            mse=np.mean(candidateImage - currentImage)**2

        #When we finished calculating mse between the currentImage ad all the others, 
        #let's add 7 pairs that have the smallest mse in the case of images from the 
        #same class and 1 pair for each different class 
        #For all classes, do                   
        for i in range(0,numClasses):

            #get indices of images for that class
            idxs=[np.where(labels == i)[0]] 
            #Get images of that class
            imgs=np.squeeze(imgs, axis=0)
            #get MSEs between the currentImage and all the others of that class
            mse_that_class=np.squeeze(mse_that_class, axis=0)
            #if the class is the same class of that image   
            if i==label:    
                #Get indices of that class that have the 7 smallest MSEs
                indices_sorted = np.argpartition(mse_that_class, numClasses-1)
                #Otherwise, get only the smallest MSE
                indices_sorted = np.argpartition(mse_that_class, 1)
            # Now, lets pair them
            for j in range(0,indices_sorted.shape[0]):

                image_to_pair=imgs[indices_sorted[j], :, :, :]
                pairImages.append([currentImage, image_to_pair])
                if i==label:
        del image_to_pair, currentImage, label, mse_that_class, imgs, indices_sorted, idxs, mse_all
return (np.array(pairImages), np.array(pairLabels))

My problem

The problem with my code is that it simply freezes my computer when I am running the pairs construction for image number 2200, I tried to clean the variables after each loop as you can see in the above code (del image_to_pair, currentImage, label, mse_that_class, imgs, indices_sorted, idxs, mse_all). The question is, a (120000, 2, 28, 28) pairImages matrix was not difficult to be built, but a (78400,2,28,28,3) is. So:

  1. Is this a possible memory problem?
  2. can I clean more variables in my code in order to make it work?
  3. Should I have to disconsider the last dimension of my pairImages matrix so it will have a smaller dimension than the first example and thus, will work?
  4. Is there an easier way to solve my problem?

You can find the functional code and input matrices HERE

from How to pair matrices that are approximately the same in another numpy array

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