Saturday 21 November 2020

ReactJS none minified erros in production

Situation: My application is currently under development but I have a separated demosystem which uses the build version of my product for demonstration purpose for potential customers and general interested users. My project has a very high ordered Error-Boundary component to catch unhandeled exceptions which allows me to avoid ugly application-crashes. Instead of a normal crash a well formatted error-page will be shown which contains the error message occured combined with the stack-trace.

I just realised that in production (after npm run build) the error and even stack-trace is highly minified and does not allow me to recognize the exact problem-causing piece of code (e.g. stacktrace is not clearly readable anymore) were the problem occurred and also some customers cannot explain me what they did to get the problem.

Is there any way to reproduce the stack-trace original named variables with any kind of translation-table or an option to get full error messages even after the

npm build

Edit: Fixed typos and made problem easier to understand.

from ReactJS none minified erros in production

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