Tuesday 17 November 2020

Finding matching interval(s) in pandas Intervalindex

There's this interesting API called Intervalindex new in 0.20 that lets you create an index of intervals.

Given some sample data:

data = [(893.1516130000001, 903.9187099999999),
 (882.384516, 893.1516130000001),
 (817.781935, 828.549032)]

You can create the index like this:

idx = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples(data)

IntervalIndex([(893.151613, 903.91871], (882.384516, 893.151613], (817.781935, 828.549032]]

An interesting property of Intervals is that you can perform interval checks with in:

Interval(817.78193499999998, 828.54903200000001, closed='right')

print(820 in y[-1])

print(1000 in y[-1])

I would like to know how to apply this operation to the entire index. For example, given some number 900, how could I retrieve a boolean mask of intervals for which this number fits in?

I can think of:

m = [900 in y for y in idx]
[True, False, False]

Are there better ways to do this?

from Finding matching interval(s) in pandas Intervalindex

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