Saturday 17 October 2020

How to get "controller support" and "number of player" badges for a macOS game in the App Store

Consider "The Last Campfire" (awesome game BTW):

The Last Campfire

Notice the "Controller / Supported" and "Players / 1 Single" badges.

Game Controller Capability

To get the controller's badge in iOS and tvOS, I know we should add the "Game Controllers capability" under "Signing & Capabilities" as described here.

However there's no such capability in a macOS target.

These are the available macOS capabilities in Xcode 12.2 (beta 3):

macOS capabilities

So yeah, no Game Controllers there as you can see and I'm clueless on how to display that capability for a macOS game.

Number of Players Capability

For the second capability (number of players) I have absolutely no clue how to get that for either iOS, tvOS or macOS.

Is it something I should add into the PLIST, or is it maybe a metadata in the App Store Connect?

from How to get "controller support" and "number of player" badges for a macOS game in the App Store

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