Thursday, 3 September 2020

Do not fail whole task even if one of promises rejected

In redux saga if we want to handle multiple promises, we can use all (which is equivalent of Promise.all):

yield all( => call(signUser, user)),

function* signUser() {
   yield call(someApi);
   yield put(someSuccessAction);

The problem is, even if one of the promises (calls) fail, the whole task is cancelled.

My goal is to keep the task alive, even if one of the promises failed.

In pure JS I could handle it with Promise.allSettled, but whats the proper way to do it in redux saga?

Edit: still didnt find any suitable solution, even if I wrap the yield all in try... catch block, still if even one of the calls failed, whole task is canceled.

from Do not fail whole task even if one of promises rejected

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