Friday 21 August 2020

How do I receive an incoming message for a user via Twilio Connect?

I'm using Twilio Connect* to connect my users to Twilio. I can purchase numbers and send text messages, but I don't see how to receive messages for that Connect'ed account. They don't show up in my console, and I set a webhook URL for the main account that owns the Connect App, but I'm not receiving incoming requests for messages sent to my Connect'ed users' accounts.


I see how to do this with programmable SMS, but my Connected users' numbers don't show up here and I have no way of setting the webhook URL on the Connected user's account.

enter image description here

Whenever I go into the [test] Connected user's account (I won't be able to do this in production)

enter image description here

... and click on the number, I get an error.

enter image description here

So, how do I set up webhooks on my Connected user's number?

from How do I receive an incoming message for a user via Twilio Connect?

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