Sunday, 27 October 2019

Highlight.js not respecting parent regex of a sub mode

I need to write a lexer which highlights my command-line tool commands properly.

$ dvc add file.csv
$ dvc pipeline list

So the command starts with dvc and it may have one or two subcommands - add or pipeline list respectively.

Therefore, it should highlight dvc add and dvc pipeline list in first and second case respectively.

contains: [
            begin: /^\s*\$\s(dvc|git) [a-z-]+/,
            returnBegin: true,
            contains: [
                begin: /dvc [a-z-]+ ?/,
                lexemes: '[a-z-]+',
                keywords: {
                contains: [
                    begin: /\w+(?![\S])/,
                    keywords: {
                      built_in: 'list'
                className: 'strong'

It matches dvc pipeline list even though the parent regex i.e. /^\s*\$\s(dvc|git) [a-z-]+/ should only match till dvc pipeline. How is it exactly functioning?

How does /dvc [a-z-]+ ?/ override it and continues matching the expression?

Please refer to this library docs here:

from Highlight.js not respecting parent regex of a sub mode

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