Tuesday 26 February 2019

Proxy ES6 class and maintain prototype chain

I'm proxying methods using the following wrapper:

  public static wrap(target) {
    function construct(constructor, args) {
      const c: any = function(this) {
        return constructor.apply(this, args);

      c.prototype = constructor.prototype;
      return new c();

    const f = (...args) => {
      const instance = construct(target, args);

      const descriptors = getMethodDescriptors(target, instance);

      return new Proxy<T>(
        new SomeProxyHandler(descriptors)

    f.prototype = target.prototype;
    return f;

This has worked well when wrapping classes which are compiled down to ES5 but now I'm trying to target ES6 I'm getting errors at constructor.apply(this, args) saying that:

TypeError: Class constructor OneOfMyClasses cannot be invoked without 'new'

How can I fix this code so wrap can proxy classes whatever the JavaScript target and maintain the correct prototype chain?

from Proxy ES6 class and maintain prototype chain

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