Tuesday 26 February 2019

EditableGrid - How to make every column header into individual filter

I am using EditableGrid (http://www.editablegrid.net/) Which creates some nice looking Editable tables

I'm Trying to modify the table header to make them into Individual filters like in example - https://phppot.com/demo/column-search-in-datatables-using-server-side-processing/

Current Filter textbox works very nicely but has a limit for searching one value for all columns.

I find many solutions for an individual column filter but I don't want to use other tables as they do not provide inline table editing functionality with dropdown and date picker, Is there a way I can implement it in EditableGrid?

I have also Asked this Question on Github (https://github.com/webismymind/editablegrid-mysql-example/issues/66) but the thread is not been active for a long time so I have very little hope of getting a solution from there.

from EditableGrid - How to make every column header into individual filter

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