Sunday, 2 December 2018

Chrome, Firefox debuggers not displaying the correct value for 'this' in a react app

Here's a bit of code, within a react component class (scaffolded using CRA 2)

  click = () => {
    console.log(this, "hello");
    let x = 1 + 1; //This is just here to let chrome put a break point here. 

When this code runs, it will print the component object to the console.

However - if I attach a debugger to that point, both Chrome (68), and Firefox (63) will show 'this' as undefined.

What's going on here?

Is it something to do with the transform-class-properties babel plugin being used to create click as a class property?

Edit: Yes, that seems like exactly what it is.

If we manually bind the method like:

  constructor() {
    this.click2 = this.click2.bind(this);

  click2() {
    console.log(this, "hello");
    let x = 1 + 1;

then it works fine.

In any case - is there a convenient way to solve this, so I don't have to put all those bind statements in?

from Chrome, Firefox debuggers not displaying the correct value for 'this' in a react app

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