So I am trying to use deeplinks in an iOS app like so (note, domain here is a dummy value):
static let redirectUrlStr = "domain://domain:success"
private let redirectUrl = URL(string: .redirectUrlStr)!
And I am passing this as a redirect to an AppAuth request:
let request = OIDTokenRequest(configuration: config!,
grantType: .refreshGrantType,
authorizationCode: nil,
redirectURL: self.redirectUrl,
clientID: .clientId,
clientSecret: nil,
scopes: [OIDScopeOpenID, OIDScopeProfile, OIDScopeEmail],
refreshToken: userCredentials.refreshToken,
codeVerifier: nil,
additionalParameters: nil)
This part all seems to work, and if I pass in a redirect URL like, the redirect to google works.
However when attempting to use deeplinking I get the above error.
Now I think this should work -
I've got associated domains enabled in the capabilities portion of Xcode as such:
And I have associated domains enabled in the App ID on Apple Developer
What is missing here? Do I need an apple-app-site-association file?
I've only worked with deeplinking once before so I'm not too clear on what I might be missing.
There is also an entitlements file with the associated domain information too.
from Safari cannot open the page - The error was, "The URL can't be shown" - related to Deeplinks?
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