Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Manually configure network adapters on Android Things

I am trying to configure an Android Things client running on a Raspberry Pi 3b to connect to a third party device on a different network. I did hours of research, but couldn´t find a working solution.


The Topology consists of one Raspberry PI, the router and a third party device. The Raspberry PI is connected to the router via LAN and WLAN for failure safety and is part of the same network as the router.

The Problem

There is a third party device physically connected to the same router, but it has a different network configured. The configuration of the device can not be changed. Please have a look at the topology below.

I am able to connect to the third party device using MacOS or Windows by setting a static IP and changing the subnet mask of the network adapter to the same as the target.

The question: Is there a way to configure Android Things or modify the topology to access this device? (See red line in topology)

Note: I am aware of the messy way how this connection should work ✌🏻


from Manually configure network adapters on Android Things

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