Thursday, 27 September 2018

How to fix python-selenium error "connection refused" when initializing a selenium webdriver?

I am running very complex python-selenium tests on non-public webpages. In most cases these tests run fine, but sometimes one of these tests fail during the initialization of the webdriver itself.

Hint: This error happens when trying to initialize a webdriver, i.e. when doing something like this:

# Start of the tests
mydriver =  webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile, log_path=logfile)

# Doing other stuff here
# Doing tests here
# Doing shutdown here

Here is a full example of such an error:

___________ ERROR at setup of TestSuite.test_synaptic_events_fitting ___________

>   lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds),

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in basedriver
    mydriver = firefox.get_driver(*args)
bsp_usecase_tests/tools/ in get_driver
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile, log_path=logfile)  #### INITIALIZING OF WEBDRIVER HERE
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/firefox/ in __init__
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ in __init__
    self.start_session(desired_capabilities, browser_profile)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ in start_session
    response = self.execute(Command.NEW_SESSION, parameters)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ in execute
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <selenium.webdriver.remote.errorhandler.ErrorHandler object at 0x7efd3b702f90>
response = {'status': 500, 'value': '{"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"connection refused","stacktrace":"stack backtra...s::imp::thread::::new::thread_start\n                        at /checkout/src/libstd/sys/unix/"}}'}

    def check_response(self, response):
            Checks that a JSON response from the WebDriver does not have an error.

             - response - The JSON response from the WebDriver server as a dictionary

            :Raises: If the response contains an error message.
        status = response.get('status', None)
        if status is None or status == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:
        value = None
        message = response.get("message", "")
        screen = response.get("screen", "")
        stacktrace = None
        if isinstance(status, int):
            value_json = response.get('value', None)
            if value_json and isinstance(value_json, basestring):
                import json
                    value = json.loads(value_json)
                    if len(value.keys()) == 1:
                        value = value['value']
                    status = value.get('error', None)
                    if status is None:
                        status = value["status"]
                        message = value["value"]
                        if not isinstance(message, basestring):
                            value = message
                            message = message.get('message')
                        message = value.get('message', None)
                except ValueError:

        exception_class = ErrorInResponseException
        if status in ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT:
            exception_class = NoSuchElementException
        elif status in ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_FRAME:
            exception_class = NoSuchFrameException
        elif status in ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_WINDOW:
            exception_class = NoSuchWindowException
        elif status in ErrorCode.STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE:
            exception_class = StaleElementReferenceException
        elif status in ErrorCode.ELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE:
            exception_class = ElementNotVisibleException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_ELEMENT_STATE:
            exception_class = InvalidElementStateException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_SELECTOR \
                or status in ErrorCode.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR \
                or status in ErrorCode.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR_RETURN_TYPER:
            exception_class = InvalidSelectorException
        elif status in ErrorCode.ELEMENT_IS_NOT_SELECTABLE:
            exception_class = ElementNotSelectableException
        elif status in ErrorCode.ELEMENT_NOT_INTERACTABLE:
            exception_class = ElementNotInteractableException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN:
            exception_class = InvalidCookieDomainException
        elif status in ErrorCode.UNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE:
            exception_class = UnableToSetCookieException
        elif status in ErrorCode.TIMEOUT:
            exception_class = TimeoutException
        elif status in ErrorCode.SCRIPT_TIMEOUT:
            exception_class = TimeoutException
        elif status in ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
            exception_class = WebDriverException
        elif status in ErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN:
            exception_class = UnexpectedAlertPresentException
        elif status in ErrorCode.NO_ALERT_OPEN:
            exception_class = NoAlertPresentException
        elif status in ErrorCode.IME_NOT_AVAILABLE:
            exception_class = ImeNotAvailableException
        elif status in ErrorCode.IME_ENGINE_ACTIVATION_FAILED:
            exception_class = ImeActivationFailedException
        elif status in ErrorCode.MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS:
            exception_class = MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
        elif status in ErrorCode.JAVASCRIPT_ERROR:
            exception_class = JavascriptException
        elif status in ErrorCode.SESSION_NOT_CREATED:
            exception_class = SessionNotCreatedException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT:
            exception_class = InvalidArgumentException
        elif status in ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_COOKIE:
            exception_class = NoSuchCookieException
        elif status in ErrorCode.UNABLE_TO_CAPTURE_SCREEN:
            exception_class = ScreenshotException
        elif status in ErrorCode.ELEMENT_CLICK_INTERCEPTED:
            exception_class = ElementClickInterceptedException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INSECURE_CERTIFICATE:
            exception_class = InsecureCertificateException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_COORDINATES:
            exception_class = InvalidCoordinatesException
        elif status in ErrorCode.INVALID_SESSION_ID:
            exception_class = InvalidSessionIdException
        elif status in ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_METHOD:
            exception_class = UnknownMethodException
            exception_class = WebDriverException
        if value == '' or value is None:
            value = response['value']
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            if exception_class == ErrorInResponseException:
                raise exception_class(response, value)
            raise exception_class(value)
        if message == "" and 'message' in value:
            message = value['message']

        screen = None
        if 'screen' in value:
            screen = value['screen']

        stacktrace = None
        if 'stackTrace' in value and value['stackTrace']:
            stacktrace = []
                for frame in value['stackTrace']:
                    line = self._value_or_default(frame, 'lineNumber', '')
                    file = self._value_or_default(frame, 'fileName', '<anonymous>')
                    if line:
                        file = "%s:%s" % (file, line)
                    meth = self._value_or_default(frame, 'methodName', '<anonymous>')
                    if 'className' in frame:
                        meth = "%s.%s" % (frame['className'], meth)
                    msg = "    at %s (%s)"
                    msg = msg % (meth, file)
            except TypeError:
        if exception_class == ErrorInResponseException:
            raise exception_class(response, message)
        elif exception_class == UnexpectedAlertPresentException and 'alert' in value:
            raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace, value['alert'].get('text'))
>       raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
E       WebDriverException: Message: connection refused

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ WebDriverException

These tests are running as part of a jenkins plan inside a docker container, to ensure the exact same environment all the time. Here is a list of the used packages and their versions:

  • python 2.7.12
  • pytest 3.6.1
  • selenium 3.8.0
  • geckodriver 0.19.1
  • firefox 62.0
  • flaky 3.4.0

The error roughly appears in about 1% of all tests. There are about 15 different tests, and the error seem to appear randomly (i.e. not always the same test).

Is this a bug in firefox/selenium/geckodriver? And is there a way to fix this?

The following code snippet is not some code I am using! It is just an idea of how to fix my problem described above. Is this maybe a good way to solve my original problem, or not?

while counter<5:
        webdriver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile, log_path=logfile) 
    except WebDriverException:
        counter +=1

Is there a better way to do this?

from How to fix python-selenium error "connection refused" when initializing a selenium webdriver?

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