Monday 15 May 2023

Visualization of descending count

I have a dataframe that looks like this:

    components       non_breaking_count breaking_count
0   paths-modified              22956   8640
1   endpoints-modified          22155   8149
2   endpoints-added              8109   5354
3   paths-added                  7375   4787
4   info-version                 5680   857
5   components-schemas-added     2555   1597
6   info-description             1940   762
7   tags-added                   1031   564
8   info-title                   859    551
9   servers-added                711    332
10  info-termsOfService          701    161
11  servers-deleted              609    262
12  components-schemas-deleted   588    938
13  components-securitySchemes   301    112
14  tags-modified                297    128
15  components-securitySchemes  229     171
16  components-parameters-added 209     239
17  tags-deleted                199     541
18  components-responses-added  183     164
19  info-contact-name           153     96
20  security-added              140     121
21  info-contact-email          132     110
22  servers-modified            120     32
23  info-license-name           115     46
24  info-license-url            105     36
25  paths-deleted                97     4979
26  info-contact-url             93     51
27  components-securitySchemes-deleted  87  71
28  endpoints-deleted            84     5612

I have been looking for a good way to visualize this with their counts and annotation( for all the components column). What i am looking for is one graph for breaking and another for non breaking.

I had a sliced bar chart in mind, with two bars for breaking and non breaking, however fitting in 28 values is a bit difficult, so I had to discard that option. I tried with nightingale chart in echarts as well, but the proportions are a mismatch somehow. Another way would be a treemap, but that and pie chart is something I wish to avoid.

Does anyone have any suggestions on which type of graph I could use to effectively visualize this data.

from Visualization of descending count

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