Wednesday 24 May 2023

Auto ARIMA in Python results in poor fitting prediction of trend

New to ARIMA and attempting to model a dataset in Python using auto ARIMA. I'm using auto-ARIMA as I believe it will be better at defining the values of p, d and q however the results are poor and I need some guidance. Please see my reproducible attempts below

Attempt as follows:

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pmdarima as pm 
from pmdarima.model_selection import train_test_split 
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
from pmdarima.arima import ADFTest
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score 

data_plot = pd.DataFrame({'date':['2013-11' '2013-12'   '2014-01'   '2014-02'   '2014-03'   '2014-04'   '2014-05'   '2014-06'   '2014-07'   '2014-08'   '2014-09'   '2014-10'   '2014-11'   '2014-12'   '2015-01'   '2015-02'   '2015-03'   '2015-04'   '2015-05'   '2015-06'   '2015-07'   '2015-08'   '2015-09'   '2015-10'   '2015-11'   '2015-12'   '2016-01'   '2016-02'   '2016-03'   '2016-04'   '2016-05'   '2016-06'   '2016-07'   '2016-08'   '2016-09'   '2016-10'   '2016-11'   '2016-12'   '2017-01'   '2017-02'   '2017-03'   '2017-04'   '2017-05'   '2017-06'   '2017-07'   '2017-08'   '2017-09'   '2017-10'   '2017-11'   '2017-12'   '2018-01'   '2018-02'   '2018-03'   '2018-04'   '2018-05'   '2018-06'   '2018-07'   '2018-08'   '2018-09'   '2018-10'   '2018-11'   '2018-12'   '2019-01'   '2019-02'   '2019-03'   '2019-04'   '2019-05'   '2019-06'   '2019-07'   '2019-08'   '2019-09'   '2019-10'   '2019-11'   '2019-12'   '2020-01'   '2020-02'   '2020-03'   '2020-04'   '2020-05'   '2020-06'   '2020-07'   '2020-08'   '2020-09'   '2020-10'   '2020-11'   '2020-12'   '2021-01'   '2021-02'   '2021-03'   '2021-04'   '2021-05'   '2021-06'   '2021-07'   '2021-08'   '2021-09'   '2021-10'   '2021-11'   '2021-12'   '2022-01'   '2022-02'   '2022-03'   '2022-04'   '2022-05'   '2022-06'   '2022-07'   '2022-08'   '2022-09'   '2022-10'   '2022-11'   '2022-12'   '2023-01'   '2023-02'   '2023-03'   '2023-04'],
                     'value':[346,  21075,  82358,  91052,  95376,  100520, 107702, 116805, 124176, 136239, 140815, 159714, 172733, 197447, 297687, 288239, 281170, 277214, 278936, 279071, 288874, 293893, 299309, 319841, 333347, 371546, 488903, 468856, 460260, 452446, 448224, 441182, 438710, 437962, 441128, 455476, 462871, 517929, 627044, 601801, 579134, 576604, 554526, 547522, 559668, 561200, 564239, 583039, 595483, 656733, 750469, 719269, 720623, 712774, 699002, 692017, 695036, 709596, 720238, 717761, 719457, 763163, 825152, 786148, 765526, 752169, 740352, 724386, 708216, 709802, 691991, 698436, 697621, 736228, 779327, 752493, 795272, 780834, 741754, 729164, 713566, 676471, 646674, 656769, 651333, 664199, 644717, 604296, 591136, 571178, 556116, 523501, 522527, 520842, 495804, 504137, 483927, 516234, 491449, 461908, 441156, 437471, 416214, 395315, 390058, 380449, 369834, 373706, 361396, 381941, 358167, 335394, 325213, 312705]})

data_plot['date_index'] = pd.to_datetime(data_plot['date']
data_plot.set_index('date_index', inplace=True)

arima_data = data_plot[['value']]


The above steps result in a dataset that should look like this. enter image description here

# Dicky Fuller test for stationarity 
adf_test = ADFTest(alpha = 0.05)

Result = 0.9867 indicating non-stationary data which should be handled by appropriate over of differencing later in auto arima process.

# Assign training and test subsets - 80:20 split 

print('Dataset dimensions;', arima_data.shape)
train_data = arima_data[:-24]
test_data = arima_data[-24:]
print('Training data dimension:', train_data.shape, round((len(train_data)/len(arima_data)*100),2),'% of dataset')
print('Test data dimension:', test_data.shape, round((len(train_data)/len(arima_data)*100),2),'% of dataset')

# Plot training & test data

enter image description here

 # Run auto arima
    arima_model = auto_arima(train_data, start_p=0, d=1, start_q=0,
    max_p=5, max_d=5, max_q=5,
    start_P=0, D=1, start_Q=0, max_P=5, max_D=5,
    max_Q=5, m=12, seasonal=True,
    error_action='warn', trace=True,
    suppress_warnings=True, stepwise=True,
    random_state=20, n_fits=50)

Output suggests best model is 'ARIMA(1,1,1)(0,1,0)[12]' with AIC 1725.35484

#Store predicted values and view resultant df

prediction = pd.DataFrame(arima_model.predict(n_periods=25), index=test_data.index)
prediction.columns = ['predicted_value']

# Plot prediction against test and training trends 

plt.plot(train_data, label="Training")
plt.plot(test_data, label="Test")
plt.plot(prediction, label="Predicted")
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

enter image description here

# Finding r2 model score
    test_data['predicted_value'] = prediction 
    r2_score(test_data['value'], test_data['predicted_value'])

Result: -6.985

from Auto ARIMA in Python results in poor fitting prediction of trend

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