Saturday 29 April 2023

python-docx-template: Construct Word table in python and place into a specific location in a Word template

I wish to construct a Microsoft Word table using Python and then place it into a location marked by a placeholder in the Word template. Is this possible to do using docx and docx template?

The code below is a basic example of what I'm trying to do, but I'm unsure of how to place the table into the word template.

I know I can create a basic table using Jinja2 tags and add rows to the table using the render method, but the table creation logic is a bit involved (merging of certain cells, and empty spaces to separate related rows), so I'd prefer to construct the table using Python, and not have to use Jinja2 for that. Any help is appreciated!

from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
from docx.table import Table

doc = DocxTemplate('template.docx')

items = [
    {'column1': 'Item 1-1', 'column2': 'Item 1-2', 'column3': 'Item 1-3'},
    {'column1': 'Item 2-1', 'column2': 'Item 2-2', 'column3': 'Item 2-3'},
    {'column1': 'Item 3-1', 'column2': 'Item 3-2', 'column3': 'Item 3-3'}

rows = []
for item in items:
    row = [item['column1'], item['column2'], item['column3']]

table = Table(len(rows)+1, 3)  # Create a new table with the correct number of rows and columns
table.cell(0, 0).text = 'Column 1'  # Add the column headers to the first row
table.cell(0, 1).text = 'Column 2'
table.cell(0, 2).text = 'Column 3'
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
    table.cell(i+1, 0).text = row[0]  # Add the row data to the table
    table.cell(i+1, 1).text = row[1]
    table.cell(i+1, 2).text = row[2]

# Code required here to place the table in the word template at a specific placeholder location.'output.docx')

from python-docx-template: Construct Word table in python and place into a specific location in a Word template

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