Monday 1 May 2023

How to re-login using Biometric authentication?

I am developing an login feature using username/password and biometric authentication. My thinking usecase is:

  1. User login via username/password for the first time and get there Token (access_token/refresh_token).
  2. User go to app's setting and enable biometric authentication.
  3. App will show and verify biometric from user.
  4. App will save "Encrypted Data" data here when biometric is success.
  5. User does logout app
  6. User does login via biometric

And I am very concern at 2 points:

  1. At step 4, which thing should I encrypt? Token or username/password? . If Token, it can be expired, if username/password, it seems not a good idea.

  2. At step 5, the token will be cleared, so in step 6, after verify biometric, how can I re-login user? Will it depends on my saved data at step 3? or if user logout, we should also disable biometric?

Thanks in advance.

from How to re-login using Biometric authentication?

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