In Professor Boyd homework solution for projection onto the unit simplex, he winds up with the following equation:
g_of_nu = (1/2)*torch.norm(-relu(-(x-nu)))**2 + nu*(torch.sum(x) -1) - x.size()[0]*nu**2
If one calculates nu*
, then the projection to unit simplex would be y*=relu(x-nu*1)
What he suggests is to find the maximizer of g_of_nu
. Since g_of_nu
is strictly concave, I multiply it by a negative sign (f_of_nu
) and find its global minimizer using gradient descent.
My final vector y*
, does not add up to one, what am I doing wrong?
Code for replication
x = torch.randn(10)#.view(-1, 1)
x_list = x.tolist()
print(list(map(lambda x: round(x, 4), x_list)))
nu_0 = torch.tensor(0., requires_grad = True)
nu = nu_0
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([nu], lr=1e-1)
nu_old = torch.tensor(float('inf'))
steps = 100
eps = 1e-6
i = 1
while torch.norm(nu_old-nu) > eps:
nu_old = nu.clone()
f_of_nu = -( (1/2)*torch.norm(-relu(-(x-nu)))**2 + nu*(torch.sum(x) -1) - x.size()[0]*nu**2 )
print(f'At step {i+1:2} the function value is {f_of_nu.item(): 1.4f} and nu={nu: 0.4f}' )
i += 1
y_star = relu(x-nu).cpu().detach()
print(list(map(lambda x: round(x, 4), y_star.tolist())))
[0.6614, 0.2669, 0.0617, 0.6213, -0.4519, -0.1661, -1.5228, 0.3817, -1.0276, -0.5631]
At step 1 the function value is -1.9618 and nu= 0.0993
At step 14 the function value is -1.9947 and nu= 0.0665
[0.5948, 0.2004, 0.0, 0.5548, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3152, 0.0, 0.0]
The function
x = torch.randn(10)
nu = torch.linspace(-1, 1, steps=10000)
f = lambda x, nu: -( (1/2)*torch.norm(-relu(-(x-nu)))**2 + nu*(torch.sum(x) -1) - x.size()[0]*nu**2 )
f_value_list = np.asarray( [f(x, i) for i in nu.tolist()] )
i_min = np.argmin(f_value_list)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(nu.cpu().detach().numpy(), f_value_list);
Here is the minimizer from the graph which is consistent with the gradient descent.
from Projection onto unit simplex using gradient decent in Pytorch
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