Monday 26 December 2022

Clean architecture principles in FastAPI + SQLModel development

When I develop with Flask and SQLAlchemy, I commonly use the following layers:

  • A repository layer, that deals with database connections and data persistence;
  • A use cases layers, a bunch of functions that use the repository and do exactly what the application is intented to do;
  • A rest layer where my REST endpoints where located.

I get this architectural pattern from the book "Clean Architectures in Python", by Leonardo Giordani. You can get the book here.

Recently I started to learn FastAPI and SQLModel ORM. The whole idea of using Pydantic in SQLModel and FastAPI create the possibility to do an endpoint like this:

@app.get("/songs", response_model=list[Song])
def get_songs(session: Session = Depends(get_session)):
    result = session.execute(select(Song))
    songs = result.scalars().all()
    return [Song(, artist=song.artist, for song in songs]

In this endpoint the very database logic is dealt with, as the endpoint receives a session as a dependency and executes a query to get the results and, using Pydantic's magic, receives parsed and validated data and responds with a Pydantic model.

My question is: something like this is considered an clean architecture? Based on the principles I've learn, we have the web framework doing almost everything. And I think the very idea of using Pydantic both in SQLModel and FastAPI is to allow us to create endpoints like that.

But this is clean? When my app grows, couldn't I be limited by this kind of design?

from Clean architecture principles in FastAPI + SQLModel development

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