After successfully updating a plain text file using the GitHub Repository Contents API, I tried to do the same thing with an Excel file. I understand that git isn't really designed to store binaries; however, this is what my client needs.
Here are the relevant lines of Python code:
# Get the XLSX file from the repo to get its SHA
g = GitHub(my_admin_token)
repo = g.get_repo("theowner/therepo")
contents = repo.get_contents("myfile.xlsx", ref="main")
sha = contents.sha
# So far, so good. We have the SHA.
# Read the bytes we want to use to replace the contents of the file
data = open('my_new_file.xlsx', 'rb').read()
base64_encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data)
# Update the XLSX file in the repo with the new bytes
result = repo.update_file(contents.path, "auto-committed", base64_encoded_data,
sha, branch="main")
print("Result of update_file:")
# Result: {'commit': Commit(sha="88f46eb99ce6c1d7d7d287fb8913a7f92f6faeb2"), 'content': ContentFile(path="myfile.xlsx")}
Now, you'd think everything went well; however, when I go to GitHub and look at the file, it's a mass of Base64 encoded data. It somehow "loses the fact that it's an Excel file" in the translation. When I click on the file in the GitHub user interface, and I have the option to Download the file, I get the "big blob" of Base64 text vs. having the XLSX file download.
There doesn't seem to be a way to tell the API what encoding I want to use, e.g., there doesn't seem to be a way to set HTTP headers on the call.
I also tried using the Python requests library to PUT (per doc) to the GitHub API:
result = requests.put('', {
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw",
"Authorization": "token my_admin_token"
"committer": {'name':'My Name', 'email':''},
"message": "Did it work?",
"branch": "main",
"content": base64_encoded_data})
and I get an HTTP 404.
I tried playing with the Accept header types as well. No dice.
Various other issues trying this with curl.
If you have a working sample of updating/replacing an XLSX file on GitHub using curl, python, etc. I'd love to see it! Thanks.
from Updating Binary File on Github using Contents API
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