I am trying to get a fastapi server to use the documentai sdk from google.cloud
I run everything in a conda env on my local machine.
When I run the documentai script on its own, it works fine. The fastapi server also works.
However, when I import
from google.cloud import documentai
in my fastapi script, I get
ImportError: cannot import name 'documentai' from 'google.cloud' (unknown location)
No matter how I call that script (either as a module, putting the code directly in the server, or using os.system('python documentai_script.py')), I get the same error.
To install the module, I used a conda environment. Inside of that environment, I did
'''pip install --upgrade google-cloud-documentai'''
Once in the environment, I can do
'''python documentai_script.py''' successfully
'''main.py''' if the documentai module is not present in my server, main.py
If there is any reference of or mention of google.cloud in main.py, I get the above error.
Hope this is clear!
from ImportError from google.cloud when calling a script from a fastapi server
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