Sunday 30 October 2022

How can I translate between client coordinates of a HTML video element and picture coordinates?

Let’s say I have a video element where I want to handle mouse events:

const v = document.querySelector('video');

v.onclick = (ev) => {
  ev.preventDefault();`x=${event.offsetX}, y=${event.offsetY}`);
document.querySelector('#play').onclick =
  (ev) => v.paused ? : v.pause();
document.querySelector('#fit').onchange =
  (ev) => =;
<button id="play">play/pause</button>
<label>object-fit: <select id="fit">
  style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh; display: block; margin: 0 auto; background: pink;"

The event object gives me coordinates relative to the bounding box of the player element (pink). How can I convert between those and coordinates of the actual scaled picture?

I don’t particularly care if overflowing coordinates (those beyond the picture frame) are clipped or extrapolated, I don’t mind rounding errors, and I don’t even care much in which units I get them (percentages or pixels). I would, however, like the solution to be robust to changes to object-fit and object-position CSS properties, and I also want to be able to convert bare coordinates without a mouse event.

How can I perform such a conversion?

from How can I translate between client coordinates of a HTML video element and picture coordinates?

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