Wednesday 31 August 2022

Chunking API response cuts off required data

I am reading chunks of data that is an API response using the following code:

d = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS|16)  # for gzip
for i in range(0, len(data), 4096):
    chunk = data[i:i+4096]
    # print(chunk)
    str_chunk = d.decompress(chunk)
    str_chunk = str_chunk.decode()
    # print(str_chunk)
    if '"@odata.nextLink"' in str_chunk:
        ab = '{' + str_chunk[str_chunk.index('"@odata.nextLink"'):len(str_chunk)+1]
        ab = ast.literal_eval(ab)
        url = ab['@odata.nextLink']
        return url

An example of this working is: "@odata.nextLink":"someurl?$count=true

It works in most cases but sometimes this key value pair gets cut off and it appears something like this: "@odata.nextLink":"someurl?$coun

I can play around with the number of bits in this line for i in range(0, len(data), 4096) but that doesn't ensure that in some cases the data doesn't cut off as the page sizes (data size) can be different for each page size.

How can I ensure that this key value pair is never cut off. Also, note that this key value pair is the last line/ last key-value pair of the API response.

P.S.: I can't play around with API request parameters.

Even tried reading it backwards but this gives a header incorrect issue:

for i in range(len(data), 0, -4096):
                chunk = data[i -4096: i]
                str_chunk = d.decompress(chunk)
                str_chunk = str_chunk.decode()
                if '"@odata.nextLink"' in str_chunk:
                    ab = '{' + str_chunk[str_chunk.index('"@odata.nextLink"'):len(str_chunk)+1]
                    ab = ast.literal_eval(ab)
                    url = ab['@odata.nextLink']
                    return url

The above produces the following error which is really strange:

str_chunk = d.decompress(chunk)
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check

from Chunking API response cuts off required data

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