Wednesday 27 July 2022

Firebase security rules checks for the incoming request and database collection email

I'm creating a Flutter Todo app that allow users to add a task for himself or he could send it to another user via their account email.

My Firebase database have the following fields: title, isChecked, recipient, sender, senderUID enter image description here

My current Firebase security rules are as following

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {

 function isOwnerOrAdmin(reminder, auth) {
  let isOwner = == reminder.recipient;
  let isAdmin = auth.token.isAdmin == true;
  return isOwner || isAdmin;

 match /reminders/{reminder} {
  allow create: if
        // User is author
        request.auth.uid ==;
  allow update: 
        // User is recipient or admin
        if isOwnerOrAdmin(, request.auth) &&
        // only 'title' and 'isChecked' could be modified[
  // Can be read or deleted by recipent or admin
  allow read, delete: if isOwnerOrAdmin(, request.auth);

In my code, I'm using the following code to make updates to a task,

var collection = _firestore.collection('reminders');
var snapshot = await collection.where('title', isEqualTo: task.title).where('recipient', isEqualTo:;
await{'isChecked': task.isChecked});

Similarly, the following code is used to delete a task

var collection = _firestore.collection('reminders');
var snapshot = await collection.where('title', isEqualTo: task.title).where('recipient', isEqualTo:;

Update and Delete do not work with my new set of rules with the INSUFFICIENT PERMISSION in the output, what did I do wrong? I could only create new doccument, but can't update or delete it (via code).

from Firebase security rules checks for the incoming request and database collection email

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