I have code in Unity that calls a function programmed in Java for Android using AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject and I would like to pass this code to a dll in C# .Net but I can't find an easy way to call Java functions using C# .Net since the AndroidJavaObject and AndroidJavaClass classes are exclusive to the Unity dll, here is an example of my code:
Java (Android):
public class DeviceManager {
public interface DeviceListener {
void DoSomething();
private DeviceListener deviceListener;
public DeviceManager(DeviceListener deviceListener){
this.deviceListener = deviceListener;
public String[] getSomeData(){
return new String[]{};
C# (Unity):
public class DeviceListener : AndroidJavaProxy
DeviceManager deviceManager;
public DeviceListener(DeviceManager manager) : base("com.myapp.DeviceManager$DeviceListener")
this.deviceManager = manager;
public void DoSomething();
public class DeviceManager
private AndroidJavaObject jo;
public DeviceManager(){
jo = new AndroidJavaObject("com.myapp.DeviceManager", new DeviceListener(this));
public string[] GetData(){
AndroidJavaObject returnedData = jo.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getSomeData");
return AndroidJNIHelper.ConvertFromJNIArray<string[]>(returnedData.GetRawObject());
What is the best way to do that example in C# .Net instead of Unity?
EDIT: my main question is related to know how to get objects and call functions from an .aar file in .NET Framework inside a dll C# file for Unity
from AndroidJavaClass and AndroidJavaObject for C# .Net Framework
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