Friday, 3 September 2021

asyncio improperly warns about streams objects are garbage collected; call "stream.close()" explicitly

I was implementing asynchronous MySQL query execution using python3.8's inbuilt asyncio package and an installed aiomysql package. Even though I have closed properly all the open cursor and connection, an error message keep on appearing on my console as follows.

An open stream object is being garbage collected; call "stream.close()" explicitly.

A summary of the code is given below...

import asyncio

class AsyncMysqlSession:

    def __init__(self, loop, db_settings=DEFAULTDB):
        self.db_settings = db_settings
        self.loop = loop

    async def __aenter__(self):
        self.conn = await aiomysql.connect(host=self.db_settings['HOST'],
        self.cursor = await self.conn.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor)
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exception, value, traceback):
        await self.cursor.close()

    async def query(self, sql, *args):
        await self.cursor.execute(sql, values)
        await self.conn.commit()
        rows = await self.cursor.fetchall()
        return list(rows)

async def aiomysql_query(sql, *args):
    Mysql asynchronous connection wrapper
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    async with AsyncMysqlSession(loop) as mysql:
        db_result = await mysql.query(sql, *args)
        return db_result

aiomysql_query is imported in another file

 import asyncio

 async def main():
     await aiomysql_query(sql1, *args1)
     await aiomysql_query(sql2, *args2)



Am I doing something wrong here (?) or is it improperly shows the error message?. Any lead to resolve this issue will be appreciated... TIA!!

from asyncio improperly warns about streams objects are garbage collected; call "stream.close()" explicitly

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