Thursday 5 August 2021

Trying to open a local html file in Chrome Android: chromewebdata/:1 Not allowed to load local resource: content://0@media/external/file/10769

I want to build a UI with a joystick, To implement the joystick, I used the JoyStick js library: My code works in Firefox and Chrome on Windows 10, but on Android the joystick doesn't appear with the following error messages:

(index):1889 crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.
(anonymous) @ (index):1889
chromewebdata/:1 Not allowed to load local resource: content://0@media/external/file/10769

My code: controller.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>drone controller</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <script src="joy.js"></script>
    <!-- Example of FIXED or ABSOLUTE position -->
    <div id="container" style="width:200px;height:200px;margin:50px;position:fixed;bottom:30px;left:500px;">

    <div style="position:fixed;bottom:125px;left:750px;">
        Posizione X:<input id="joy3PosizioneX" type="text"><br>
        Posizione Y:<input id="joy3PosizioneY" type="text"><br>
        Direzione:<input id="joy3Direzione" type="text"><br>
        X :<input id="joy3X" type="text"><br>
        Y :<input id="joy3Y" type="text">
        var joy3 = new JoyStick('container');
  //    var joy3Param = { "title": "joystick3" };
        // var Joy3 = new JoyStick('joy3Div', joy3Param);

        var joy3IinputPosX = document.getElementById("joy3PosizioneX");
        var joy3InputPosY = document.getElementById("joy3PosizioneY");
        var joy3Direzione = document.getElementById("joy3Direzione");
        var joy3X = document.getElementById("joy3X");
        var joy3Y = document.getElementById("joy3Y");

        setInterval(function(){ joy3IinputPosX.value=joy3.GetPosX(); }, 50);
        setInterval(function(){ joy3InputPosY.value=joy3.GetPosY(); }, 50);
        setInterval(function(){ joy3Direzione.value=joy3.GetDir(); }, 50);
        setInterval(function(){ joy3X.value=joy3.GetX(); }, 50);
        setInterval(function(){ joy3Y.value=joy3.GetY(); }, 50);

joy.js unmodified from github

var JoyStick = (function(container, parameters)
    parameters = parameters || {};
    var title = (typeof parameters.title === "undefined" ? "joystick" : parameters.title),
        width = (typeof parameters.width === "undefined" ? 0 : parameters.width),
        height = (typeof parameters.height === "undefined" ? 0 : parameters.height),
        internalFillColor = (typeof parameters.internalFillColor === "undefined" ? "#00AA00" : parameters.internalFillColor),
        internalLineWidth = (typeof parameters.internalLineWidth === "undefined" ? 2 : parameters.internalLineWidth),
        internalStrokeColor = (typeof parameters.internalStrokeColor === "undefined" ? "#003300" : parameters.internalStrokeColor),
        externalLineWidth = (typeof parameters.externalLineWidth === "undefined" ? 2 : parameters.externalLineWidth),
        externalStrokeColor = (typeof parameters.externalStrokeColor ===  "undefined" ? "#008000" : parameters.externalStrokeColor),
        autoReturnToCenter = (typeof parameters.autoReturnToCenter === "undefined" ? true : parameters.autoReturnToCenter);
    // Create Canvas element and add it in the Container object
    var objContainer = document.getElementById(container);
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = title;
    if(width === 0) { width = objContainer.clientWidth; }
    if(height === 0) { height = objContainer.clientHeight; }
    canvas.width = width;
    canvas.height = height;
    var context=canvas.getContext("2d");
    var pressed = 0; // Bool - 1=Yes - 0=No
    var circumference = 2 * Math.PI;
    var internalRadius = (canvas.width-((canvas.width/2)+10))/2;
    var maxMoveStick = internalRadius + 5;
    var externalRadius = internalRadius + 30;
    var centerX = canvas.width / 2;
    var centerY = canvas.height / 2;
    var directionHorizontalLimitPos = canvas.width / 10;
    var directionHorizontalLimitNeg = directionHorizontalLimitPos * -1;
    var directionVerticalLimitPos = canvas.height / 10;
    var directionVerticalLimitNeg = directionVerticalLimitPos * -1;
    // Used to save current position of stick
    var movedX=centerX;
    var movedY=centerY;
    // Check if the device support the touch or not
    if("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)
        canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart, false);
        canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouchMove, false);
        canvas.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd, false);
        canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown, false);
        canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, false);
        canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, false);
    // Draw the object

     * Private methods

     * @desc Draw the external circle used as reference position
    function drawExternal()
        context.arc(centerX, centerY, externalRadius, 0, circumference, false);
        context.lineWidth = externalLineWidth;
        context.strokeStyle = externalStrokeColor;

     * @desc Draw the internal stick in the current position the user have moved it
    function drawInternal()
        if(movedX<internalRadius) { movedX=maxMoveStick; }
        if((movedX+internalRadius) > canvas.width) { movedX = canvas.width-(maxMoveStick); }
        if(movedY<internalRadius) { movedY=maxMoveStick; }
        if((movedY+internalRadius) > canvas.height) { movedY = canvas.height-(maxMoveStick); }
        context.arc(movedX, movedY, internalRadius, 0, circumference, false);
        // create radial gradient
        var grd = context.createRadialGradient(centerX, centerY, 5, centerX, centerY, 200);
        // Light color
        grd.addColorStop(0, internalFillColor);
        // Dark color
        grd.addColorStop(1, internalStrokeColor);
        context.fillStyle = grd;
        context.lineWidth = internalLineWidth;
        context.strokeStyle = internalStrokeColor;
     * @desc Events for manage touch
    function onTouchStart(event) 
        pressed = 1;

    function onTouchMove(event)
        // Prevent the browser from doing its default thing (scroll, zoom)
        if(pressed === 1 && event.targetTouches[0].target === canvas)
            movedX = event.targetTouches[0].pageX;
            movedY = event.targetTouches[0].pageY;
            // Manage offset
            if(canvas.offsetParent.tagName.toUpperCase() === "BODY")
                movedX -= canvas.offsetLeft;
                movedY -= canvas.offsetTop;
                movedX -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetLeft;
                movedY -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetTop;
            // Delete canvas
            context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            // Redraw object

    function onTouchEnd(event) 
        pressed = 0;
        // If required reset position store variable
            movedX = centerX;
            movedY = centerY;
        // Delete canvas
        context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        // Redraw object

     * @desc Events for manage mouse
    function onMouseDown(event) 
        pressed = 1;

    function onMouseMove(event) 
        if(pressed === 1)
            movedX = event.pageX;
            movedY = event.pageY;
            // Manage offset
            if(canvas.offsetParent.tagName.toUpperCase() === "BODY")
                movedX -= canvas.offsetLeft;
                movedY -= canvas.offsetTop;
                movedX -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetLeft;
                movedY -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetTop;
            // Delete canvas
            context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            // Redraw object

    function onMouseUp(event) 
        pressed = 0;
        // If required reset position store variable
            movedX = centerX;
            movedY = centerY;
        // Delete canvas
        context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        // Redraw object

     * Public methods
     * @desc The width of canvas
     * @return Number of pixel width 
    this.GetWidth = function () 
        return canvas.width;
     * @desc The height of canvas
     * @return Number of pixel height
    this.GetHeight = function () 
        return canvas.height;
     * @desc The X position of the cursor relative to the canvas that contains it and to its dimensions
     * @return Number that indicate relative position
    this.GetPosX = function ()
        return movedX;
     * @desc The Y position of the cursor relative to the canvas that contains it and to its dimensions
     * @return Number that indicate relative position
    this.GetPosY = function ()
        return movedY;
     * @desc Normalizzed value of X move of stick
     * @return Integer from -100 to +100
    this.GetX = function ()
        return (100*((movedX - centerX)/maxMoveStick)).toFixed();

     * @desc Normalizzed value of Y move of stick
     * @return Integer from -100 to +100
    this.GetY = function ()
        return ((100*((movedY - centerY)/maxMoveStick))*-1).toFixed();
     * @desc Get the direction of the cursor as a string that indicates the cardinal points where this is oriented
     * @return String of cardinal point N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and C when it is placed in the center
    this.GetDir = function()
        var result = "";
        var orizontal = movedX - centerX;
        var vertical = movedY - centerY;
        if(vertical >= directionVerticalLimitNeg && vertical <= directionVerticalLimitPos)
            result = "C";
        if(vertical < directionVerticalLimitNeg)
            result = "N";
        if(vertical > directionVerticalLimitPos)
            result = "S";
        if(orizontal < directionHorizontalLimitNeg)
            if(result === "C")
                result = "W";
                result += "W";
        if(orizontal > directionHorizontalLimitPos)
            if(result === "C")
                result = "E";
                result += "E";
        return result;

Thanks for your help!

from Trying to open a local html file in Chrome Android: chromewebdata/:1 Not allowed to load local resource: content://0@media/external/file/10769

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