Thursday 19 August 2021

Puppeteer page.mouse.down() / up() not the same as clicking physical mouse?

At the following site, after entering a search phrase such as "baby" (try it!), the Puppeteer call page.mouse.down() doesn't have the same effect as clicking and holding the physical mouse:

After entering a search phrase, a fake dropdown select menu appears, which is really an UL, and I am trying to click the first search result. So I use code like this

await page.mouse.move(200, 350); // let's assume this is inside the element I want
await page.mouse.down();
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); // wait 2 secs
await page.mouse.up();

The expected effect of this code is that, for the 2 seconds that Puppeteer is "holding" the mouse button down, the fake dropdown stays visible, and when Puppeteer "releases" the mouse button, the site redirects to the search result for the item selected.

This is exactly what happens when I use the physical mouse.

However, what happens with Puppeteer is, the dropdown just disappears, as if I had hit the Escape key, and the page.mouse.up() command later has no effect any more.

I am aware that PPT has some quirks in respect to mouse, keyboard, holding and releasing buttons and modifier keys, especially when doing all of the above at once. For example, Drag & Drop doesn't work as expected, but none of the workarounds proposed here work for me:

Pretty much at my wit's end here; any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!

from Puppeteer page.mouse.down() / up() not the same as clicking physical mouse?

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