Sunday 1 August 2021

How to parse nested EventGrid message?

I'm just learning about Azure Functions triggered by a Queue Storage event handler. In this case, Queue Storage is handling Event Grid messages.

Question: How do I use Python to access the various values nested in "body" below?

  • Such as the value of body/data/blobUrl

The Queue Storage message looks like this (indented for readibility):

  • "body" is the nested EventGrid message
    "id": "<big-long-guid>", 
    "body": "{
    "expiration_time": "2021-07-30T05:10:37+00:00", 
    "insertion_time": "2021-07-23T05:10:37+00:00", 
    "time_next_visible": "2021-07-23T05:20:37+00:00", 
    "pop_receipt": "cOQ8m5lN2QgBAAAA", 
    "dequeue_count": 1

Here is the sample Function code that generates the above log:

import logging
import json

import azure.functions as func

def main(msg: func.QueueMessage):'Python queue trigger function processed a queue item.')

    result = json.dumps({
        'body': msg.get_body().decode('utf-8'),
        'expiration_time': (msg.expiration_time.isoformat()
                            if msg.expiration_time else None),
        'insertion_time': (msg.insertion_time.isoformat()
                           if msg.insertion_time else None),
        'time_next_visible': (msg.time_next_visible.isoformat()
                              if msg.time_next_visible else None),
        'pop_receipt': msg.pop_receipt,
        'dequeue_count': msg.dequeue_count


  • Wrapping msg.get_body() in different iterations of get_json() and json.dumps() but received errors.

Edit 1:

  • Changing 'body': msg.get_body().decode('utf-8'), to 'body': json.loads(msg.get_body().decode('utf-8')), converts the body to actual JSON which is nice.

  • But how do I then access ['body']['data']['blobUrl'] in result`?

  • type(result) is str

from How to parse nested EventGrid message?

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