Thursday 5 August 2021

differential update of pyinstaller executable (modify embedded PYZ-00.pyz)

I'm planning to create a huge executable directory and install it on some devices.

Imagine, that lateron I discover a bug in one of my python modules. Is there any way to transfer/copy only the modified byte code and replace the original byte code with the new one.

The reason I want to do this is, that in my context bandwidth is very expensive and I'd like to patch the code remotely.

Example: I have a project with two files: (with following three lines)

import mod1
if __name__ == "__main__":
    mod1.hello() (with following two line)

def hello():
    print("hello old world")

Now I use PYTHONHASHSEED=2 pyinstaller to create my directory which I copy to my device

Now I modify

def hello():
    print("hello new world")

and I recompile with PYTHONHASHSEED=2 pyinstaller The full directory has (tared and gzipped) a size of about 10M The file dist/prog/prog has a size of about 1M

with pyi-archive_viewer I can extract PYZ-00.pyz out of my executable dist/prog/prog In PYZ-00.pyz I can find and extract mod1 which uses only 133 bytes.

Now if I copy that file to my device, how could I update the old dist/prog/prog such, that it has the new PYZ-00.pyz:mod1 byte code.

What code could I use to decompose, what code could I use to reassemble after having replaced one specific file (module)?

Alternative: Move pyc files to a zip file Startup performance is not that crucial. I could also live with an alternative solution, where no PYZ file is created and added to the executable, but where the dist directory contains a zip file with all the .pyc files

from differential update of pyinstaller executable (modify embedded PYZ-00.pyz)

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