Monday, 12 July 2021

Sending a text + HTML email with a calendar ICS attachment in Django or Python

I've been searching for a library or at least functional snippet of code that lets me send an e-mail from Django (or at least in Python) with text content, HTML content, and an ICS calendar attachment that is recognized by every major e-mail client. For my particular use case it's enough if the user is offered an 'add to calendar' button.

I feel like this should be a solved problem by now, but I'm only finding answers that refer to libraries that aren't being maintained or that are outdated or incomplete in some other way. I've tested a couple of snippets that will attach an ICS file, but G-mail doesn't give me the option of adding it to the calendar like it usually does.

Is there a ready made solution that I'm missing?

from Sending a text + HTML email with a calendar ICS attachment in Django or Python

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